those who can play with words are meant to be read and reread.

"Human child," said the Lion, "Where is the boy?"
"He fell over the cliff," said Jill, and added, "Sir." She didn't know what else to call him, and it sounded cheek to call him nothing.
"How did he come to do that, Human Child?"
"He was trying to stop me from falling, Sir."
"Why were you so near the edge, Human Child?"
"I was showing off, Sir."
"That is a very good answer, Human Child. Do so no more."
C.S. Lewis, The Silver Chair (558)

Friday, December 22, 2006

Christmas not X-mas

I'm always wary of using the word "X-mas"-- there's something improper (even disrespectful) about it..got this fwd today-- recommended reading before you send out those text and email blasts this Sunday. :)

MERRY CHRISTMAS, dear friends and family! :)
Hi Friends in Christ,

It takes just take a couple of seconds to write the word CHRISTMAS instead of X-Mas but people get used to write X-mas.

Please do not save time on "CHRIST" (MAS) by writing "X" (MAS). ?

CHRIST gave his Life for us so that we may be saved and it’s a pity that we are unable to SPARE a few seconds of time to write his name with pride as 'CHRIST"MAS. ? (CHRIST as MAN AND SAVIOUR).

The word "Christmas" means "Christ mass,"
Mass= a special celebration of the Lord's supper -- called a mass in the Roman Catholic Church and a Communion supper in most Protestant churches.

So meaning of Christmass is Lord CHRIST special celebration service….

Then what is the meaning of Xmass…??????? What is X ????

In mathematics x=nothing…….are we saying Christ is nothing……????
’X ‘doesn’t have any value…….are we evaluating X= Christ…?????? ?
Please stop writing XMAS or Please stop wishing happy XMAS……

Do not encourage yourselves in buying cards with the words X? MAS, but make sure you give CHRIST HIS rightful name,
Which is the name above all names, that every knee shall bow and every Tongue confesses that 'JESUS CHRIST IS LORD".


The modern English word "Christmas" comes from Christes maesse, "Christ's mass," the Old English name for the service of Holy Communion that commemorates Christ's birth. Familiar names for Christmas from other languages, such as the Spanish Navidad and the French Noël, are derived from the Latin, dies natalis, "Day of the Birth."


While Scripture contains many details about Christ's nativity, it does not record the exact date of His birth. However, ancient documents show that the Christian community in Rome began celebrating the Lord's Nativity on December 25th starting around the year A.D. 336. No one knows for sure why the early Roman Christians chose December 25th, but the most widely held explanation is that they appropriated the already
existing winter solstice festival honoring the pagan sun god, Mithras. This popular festival was known as natalis solis invicti or "Birth of the Unconquered Sun." According to this theory, Christian leaders in Rome chose December 25th to turn people away from the pagan Unconquered Sun and toward Jesus Christ, the Sun of Righteousness (see Malachi 4:2). This connection to the Roman sun cult has led some contemporary Christians to reject the celebration of Christian as pagan and sinful.
On the other hand, there is also some evidence to suggest that the choice of December 25th was based on attempts by early theologians to calculate the date of Christ's birth and that it had nothing to do with the natalis solis invicti. The article Calculating Christmas by William J. Tighe discusses in detail this explanation of the date of Christmas.

http://www.touchstonemag.com/ docs/issues/ 16.10docs/ 16-10pg12. html


White, the color of joy, holiness, and light, is the proper liturgical color for the Christmas season. Red, the color of martyrdom, is generally used for the festivals of Saint Stephen and the Holy Innocents (see below).

Make room for CHRIST in this and every CHRISTMAS!
All Honor and Glory to our LORD JESUS CHRIST.

“Christmas gift suggestions:
To your enemy, forgiveness.
To an opponent, tolerance.
To a friend, your heart.
To a customer, service.
To all, charity.
To every child, a good example.
To yourself, respect.”